Bring Your Candles Home on Thursday Evening! •

It is a pious custom in Ukraine to bring our candles home from the orthros service on Holy Thursday evening (when we read the 12 passion gospel readings), still lit, and bless the entrance of our homes to protect us from the evil and his evil spirits (blessing our own homes essentially by making the sign of the cross at the entrance).

But Only If You Can Do So Carefully!

While this tradition may have started when everyone walked to church, we now have the reality of cars and so while we invite everyone to bring their lit candles home, please do so CAREFULLY. Open the window a bit to maintain oxygen levels and only do so if there is a capable passenger to hold the candle.

Our God does indeed keep us safe and creates miracles but we are expected to be wise and careful with our actions. Please do not test God or tempt the devil. Be careful. Our parish is not liable for any accidents.


What is the Bread Beside the Altar? • Що таке хліб біля вівтаря?


Receive Communion on Pascha • Причаститися на Великдень